Mr. Lussier with kids

Growing into Something Beautiful

Mr Paas and Mr. Lussier

Dear Parents,

Earlier this week, our Junior Kindergarten through Grade 4 students were able to learn a beautiful lesson through the mysteries of God’s creation. Under the tutelage of our expert gardener and friend, Mr. Paas, we planted some bulbs, which will become beautiful flowers in the Spring. When we pause to think about some life applications, we discover that God is at work despite the fact that we cannot visibly observe it. These bulbs, which some students referred to as little onions, were buried in layers of earth. While their home for the next several months will be a dark, cold environment, the bulbs will continue to develop and transform. Once they have matured and been combined with the proper temperature, they will blossom into a colourful flower.

In much the same way, God is at work in us whether we realize it or not. Even when others cannot observe it, He is working to transform us. Sometimes, we may feel uncomfortable or even feel like we are surrounded by darkness; however, we know that His light is still shining and preparing us. Then at the proper time, as if overnight, He brings us up and causes us to gleam colourfully in the radiance of His light.  

In many ways, teachers and parents are also like expert gardeners in relation to the education of each child. We too continue to provide the right environment, all the while trusting the process. Even when our children go through periods where it seems that there is no growth or visible change, we are confident that it will bear something beautiful in time.

J-D Lussier, Principal