the 3 a's

The 3 A’s

Dear Parents,

Recently during my devotional time, I was reading about Nehemiah and his concern for the well being of His people. Often times, the term “building walls” in our society carries a negative connotation; however, in

Nehemiah’s context, having a wall represented protection, a sense of security and well being. In prior years, the walls of Jerusalem had been destroyed and sections of the gate burned down. Once Nehemiah became aware of these conditions, he was troubled and concerned for the safety of those he loved. Although he was still far away, he decided to go to the Lord in prayer and humbled himself in order to obtain a plan. In doing so, he found favour with God and the King. From there, he took the time to observe the situation firsthand. All this enabled him to formulate a strategy, which he carried out boldly and confidently. Despite the opposition that came from their enemies, he pressed forward and completed the wall. 

In the same way, we can find ourselves in a position where we feel that it is necessary to build or rebuild walls around our family to protect and strengthen them. This is particularly true when we feel that our children are the most vulnerable. The same is true at school, where we want to create a safe space for our students to explore their faith and be within the walls of a caring environment, where they can feel strengthened and empowered academically and spiritually. 

On Tuesday night at Trinity, we hosted an informational evening on the topic of ADHD, Autism, and Anxiety. We spoke about some of the challenges that these can present for our children and the importance of identifying them with a professional. Often a child dealing with any of these traits can feel scared, frustrated, and confused. These professionals can then help to formulate a plan to help them out of that state to a place of clarity and comfort. By partnering with family and school, we can effectively build up a “wall” to protect the child and help them become stronger, leading to their success.

Maybe like Nehemiah, you are feeling that it is time to pray and take a look at any walls or protective boundaries that may need to be built in connection with your sphere of influence. Be encouraged by the words of Nehemiah 2:18 in which the people responded, “Let us rise and build. So they strengthened their hands for the good work.”

J-D Lussier, Principal