Alignment of Curriculum
Trinity Christian School attributes excellence to the glory of God. This attribution requires continued awareness and improvement of teaching practices based on current research and curriculum that are in-line with the mission and vision of our school. Our mission to provide our students with a balanced, Christ-centred education and a solid foundation for service in God’s world, is the lens through which Trinity identifies and evaluates any curriculum and expectations we might consider with our goal to improve students’ learning. Trinity recognizes that no curriculum is value neutral and all of life finds its purpose and meaning in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. This truth is the core of both our mission and vision, and therefore, any curriculum must be considered with this underlying truth at the forefront.
Any comprehensive curricular model, including those published by the Ontario Ministry of Education (OME), can provide structure and accountability and support the mission and vision of Trinity Christian School. In addition to being Christ-centred, Trinity seeks to provide students with a balanced education. The OME recognizes the importance of a “balanced” or integrated approach for all students in all schools in Ontario. We recognize the efforts of professional educators to provide a comprehensive structure in the Ministry’s published curriculum documents.
Key to understanding Trinity’s relationship with the OME’s documents is our position to align with the expectations set out by the OME, not to adopt them. Although this distinction may seem subtle, the importance of this difference must be recognized. Alignment requires deliberate and diligent effort as we seek to continually pursue rigorous school improvement by identifying curriculum that align with our mission and vision and that will best lead to instructional improvement and educational excellence for our students.
Embedded in Trinity’s identity as a Christian school in Ontario is the understanding that our curriculum is infused with a Christian perspective and worldview. We align ourselves with the expectations set out in the OME’s curriculum documents that clearly support our mission and vision. Those that conflict are rejected, replaced and/or revised.
Ongoing assessment, reflection and discernment of curriculum, expectations and students’ learning, help to ensure and guide best instruction for our students. The process of reviewing curriculum is ongoing as we seek to make certain that they continue to reflect our mission, vision and reformed Biblical worldview. Our desire is to continue to provide a distinctively Christian curriculum where students can confidently learn and grow in their knowledge, skills and in their relationship with God.
Reasons for Alignment
- Trinity aligns its curriculum and expectations with the Ontario Ministry of Education documents in order to...
- Ensure a comprehensive curriculum.
- Ensure comprehensive teaching of all subject areas.
- Encourage gap and overlap analysis of the school’s curriculum.
- Build the necessary knowledge and skills into student learning to prepare students with a “foundation for service in God’s world”.
- Encourage higher-order thinking skills.
- Provide consistency throughout divisions.
- Guide best assessment practices.