Black History Month

Know the Past, Shape the Future

Dear Parents,

At Trinity, a foundational piece of our education model is understanding our identity. This is accomplished in 2 ways. In order to better understand who we are, we must learn from our past through an understanding of history.

This helps us to become rooted in the present. Of greater importance though, we desire for each child to discover who they are in Christ. Galatians 3:28 reminds us that, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” 

Since God created us equally, His desire is that we treat each other fairly in love, which leads to a place of peace and unity. Part of this process includes a better understanding of “the other” and an appreciation for the diversity that God has created in our world.  

Throughout the month of February, we are celebrating Black History Month at Trinity along with others around the Province of Ontario. From a societal standpoint, our province states that it “recognizes the valuable contributions that Black Canadians have made to Ontario’s economic, social, political and cultural fabric” and “ gives us the opportunity to remember, celebrate and educate future generations about Ontario’s rich history.”

Certainly, we are indebted to the Black Canadian community for the countless ways they have enriched and advanced our culture. Of equal importance though, is developing a greater understanding of the history that can both divide and unite us. This helps us to build on our commonalities and avert some mistakes of the past. Ultimately, it will enable us to move forward to reconcile relationships in a Godly manner and develop a greater appreciation for ourselves and others. For this to truly happen, we know that God must be the one who does a work in our hearts. My prayer is that our community can be a place where each person knows who they are in Christ and how they can extend love and grace to everyone they meet regardless of any differences that may exist.

J-D Lussier, Principal