
Dear Parents,

Throughout the month of April, we are putting the spotlight on service at Trinity. Why do we believe this is important? While Paul reminds us in Ephesians 2 that we are saved by faith and not our works, “we are created in Christ Jesus to do good works.” Jesus put it differently in Matthew 25 in that we are called to care for the physical needs of those who are poor, orphans, elderly, or imprisoned. In addition, we are called to be good stewards of what God has entrusted us with. 
A few weeks ago, I had mentioned how we are supporting the elderly in our Tansley neighbourhood and Halton Alive by making flowers to bring them hope and joy. This week, our focus is taking care of those who do not have access to enough food and are going hungry in our Burlington/Oakville community. We welcomed a special guest from Kerr St. Mission, Lauren Van Laare, who oversees Food Service Support. She explained how they support over 1000 visitors each week who do not have access to nutritious food, including many children. Kerr St. Mission comes alongside to support these families and individuals by providing them with access to fruit, vegetables, meat, protein, and various food staples that help them not to go hungry. This is part of their broader vision to, “provide help in the present and Hope for the future”.

In order to support this organization tangibly and partner with them in caring for the hungry, we have organized a Food Drive for Trinity and our Tansley neighbours. As we distributed flowers to our neighbours, we also invited them to join us in donating food to Kerr St. Mission, provided them with an empty grocery bag, and asked them to fill it with food to be left on their porch for pick up. We will be going throughout the neighbourhood tomorrow collecting the food and have asked all our students to bring in food from home to donate to Kerr St. Mission. We will then deliver the food directly to Kerr St. Mission to replenish their shelves.

We ask you to join us by sending in some non-perishable food with your children tomorrow and by praying that God will use this gesture to care for the needs of others and inspire us to keep doing good for God’s glory.Blessings,

J-D Lussier, Principal