Joyful noise to the Lord

Dear Parents,

The psalmist declares, “Make a Joyful noise to the Lord, all the Earth.” This is what we have been doing at Trinity over the past two days. Starting with our Celebration of Music, each student sang or played an instrument for God’s glory. We heard songs from both our K-2 and 3-8 choirs; recorders from grades 3-4 and ukulele and more from our grades 5. Then our grade 6, 7, 8 and Concert Band punctuated the event with several catchy tunes. It was such a great representation of how God loves to hear from all of us and how together we can praise Him as one body in Christ.
We were further reminded by our KA students about how we can praise God with our whole body and life each day, as a way to honor and worship God. This includes using our mouths to sing praise; using our minds to think on His thoughts, using our hearts to show care and compassion; using our hands to serve; using our creativity to bring things to life; and our whole body to dance before the Lord.

Our KA students put these things into action, as they sang out God’s praises, waved flags, and danced before the Lord to songs that brought Him glory.

As we concluded our 9th month of the school year, what a great way to celebrate God’s faithfulness and put our gratitude for God’s blessings on display and keep it at the forefront of our minds.
J-D Lussier, Principal