Celebrating Accomplishments

Dear Parents,

It seems almost surreal that the school year is over. We are both excited about all that our students accomplished this year and the summer break ahead, while also feeling bittersweet about seeing our graduates leave us for high school, along with families who are moving out of the area. 

When we started this school year, we chose Ephesians 4:15-16 as our theme verse to give us guidance for the year ahead. It reads, “Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church. He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.”

As a point of emphasis throughout the year, we wanted to demonstrate God’s love for us by serving others, both within our four walls as well as our larger community. We saw many students who stepped up in our service teams and school teams to care for the needs of others by praying for them, taking care of our school with a joyful heart, and being the hands and feet of Jesus to our Tansley community and beyond, such as making meals at Kerr St Mission.

This week we spent some time celebrating the accomplishments of our students, particularly our grade 8 graduates. This was a class of doers, who were engaging in every activity that came their way and more. They are a talented group of students who made sure they applied themselves in every part of school life and were a blessing to our school. They will be missed. 

We also celebrated our SK students who are moving up to grade 1 next year and will continue to grow in their faith as well as their academic abilities. We also closed off the year with our Celebration Chapel and Awards Assembly yesterday, as we highlighted areas in which our students excelled through the various clubs, activities, and service teams in which they participated throughout the year. Their talents and gifts are obvious to us and we are so thankful for each student who was part of our Trinity community this year.

Finally, we took time to highlight some of our teachers who will be embarking on a new road next year. We wanted to honour the ways that they have impacted our lives at Trinity during their time with us. The reality is that we will only see a glimpse of that impact this side of eternity, as the seeds that were sown continue to develop and mature into a harvest. As Hebrews 11:13-16 reminds us, we live by faith not having received all the promises yet, but believing for the fullness when we reach heaven one day.

With this in mind, we would like to thank the following teachers for their service:

  • Mme Blouin for teaching our French Enrichment classes and for inspiring us with her French Cafe.
  • Mrs. Loveday for teaching all of our graduates and many others over the last 10 years at Trinity. Her passion for French, athletics, and math have been evident throughout her time here. Our sports teams experienced much success through her guidance as our Athletic Director. 
  • Mrs. Wilson for teaching in our primary grades since 2007. Her passion for student council, fun day, school spirit and teams, as well as her support for our staff have been such a blessing to us and added so much to our school spirit as a community

May God continue to use them to be a blessing to wherever God leads them and we hope our paths will cross again one day.

We also want to congratulate our students for a successful year at Trinity and thank you as parents for your partnership with us. May God watch over you over the summer break and give you rest and joy.

J-D Lussier, Principal