“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”

Dear Parents,

It has often been said that what we truly value can be measured by the amount of time and money that we are willing to put into it. Oftentimes, this is not about what we spend on either or, but rather what we spend on both. While simply spending a lot of money on those closest to us can never replace the quality time that we set aside to be with them, we also live in a world where we need a certain amount of money to afford taking the time with others and paying for the activities that enhance our time together.

We also know that Jesus cared much about both, as he spent more time on these themes than more “spiritual” topics, like heaven and the law. He wants us to make sure that we are investing our time and money where it matters most. This can be seen in Matthew 6:21 as Jesus states,  “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”  As fellow believers, we want our time and money to reflect a heart that is committed to Christ and His work, rather than caught up in getting ahead, pleasure, and self-centeredness. As parents, one of the greatest ways that we can contribute to God’s kingdom is through the investment that we make into our children. Their impact, both now and in the future, will outlive what we can accomplish on our own in this world.

With this in mind, I’m so glad that you have chosen to invest in your children’s spiritual and academic future by sending them to Trinity Christian School and entrusting them to us. Furthermore, you have chosen to spend many hours volunteering in our school to help build up our community. This reveals a lot about what you value, given the many other choices that are available in our society. 

I often have prospective parents who ask me about the cost of sending their children to Trinity. While I never want to downplay the financial implications, my hope is that they too come to see this as an investment opportunity into the lives of their children. If you know of anyone who may be contemplating Christian education but is still hesitant, I would be happy to sit down with them to help them see that the time and money spent at Trinity will be of eternal value. 

J-D Lussier, Principal