Kindness, Compassion, and Forgiveness

Dear Parents,

In Ephesians 4:32,  Paul instructs us to “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” The 3 key words in this verse are kindness, compassion, and forgiveness, which are all rooted in love. Love is the source and all 3 of these attributes that are putting love into action. We also know that this type of love goes far beyond what we celebrated yesterday on Valentine’s Day and is only possible in the person of Jesus who enables us to truly love others.
In chapel today, our grade ⅘ class went deeper into the theme of compassion and what this tangibly looks like. They reminded us of several verses where we see that Jesus was moved by compassion. The acts of kindness that He did to help others were sparked by the compassion that He felt in His heart for others. In other words, compassion is what we experience when we are concerned about others misfortunes, suffering, pain, or difficulty that others are going through. This triggers an action that can be categorized as kindness in an attempt to meet the need or help the other person. Both stem from the love we have for others, which is birthed in the love Jesus demonstrated for us.

When we consider some of the difficulties and injustices that others faced or continue to face due to their social status, race, and a host of other factors, we can choose to allow ourselves to be moved by compassion and do something to love and encourage others. What a way for us to be Jesus’ hands and feet in our communities and bring about positive change!

J-D Lussier, Principal