
Dear Parents,

When we think of the concept of legacy, it often starts with a vision to do something of significance. This is exactly how Trinity Christian School came to be, as a group of parents from New Street Christian Reformed Church (formerly Burlington Christian Reformed Church) first met about the idea of starting a school to serve Christian families in Burlington back in 1954. From the onset, these parents saw this as something beyond the work of a particular church, but rather as an opportunity for the larger Christian community to participate in and be blessed. It required a lot of sacrifices, as the majority of these families were hardworking, 1st generation immigrants, who used the little they had coupled with ingenuity and trust in God that He would provide for the school. Ten years later, in 1964, Trinity opened its doors for the first time. 
Over the years, New Street CRC and its members continued their commitment of supporting Christian education at Trinity through annual donations and a strong partnership with the school. In doing so, they sowed the seeds that we are reaping today with the beautiful campus that we have. In the words of John Glasbergen (past Trinity parent, grand parent, and New Street CRC member), “ Even though you can’t see them, the fingerprints of the past founding families are all over this school”. Their vision to see a thriving community with ethnic diversity serving a host of students representing several different churches has come to fruition. 

This summer, New Street CRC wrote the final pages in its’ story, as the church formally closed its doors and sold its building to another local church. True to its commitment to Christian Education until the end, New St. made its largest contribution to Trinity by donating a substantial portion of the money in the sale of its building to our school. This legacy gift is meant to ensure that the future of Christian Education in Burlington remains bright and that we carry on the good work that was begun 60 years ago for generations to come. 

Words cannot express how grateful we are for the long standing partnership we have had with New St CRC and this incredible gift to Trinity Christian School. We pray that God will richly bless the members of New St CRC for the investment that they made into His Kingdom. 

J-D Lussier, Principal