kid painting a window


Dear Parents,

As we continue to adjust to our current reality of self-isolation, I’ve been thinking about the role of resilience in the face of challenges.  I recently came across an article by Eric Baker who takes a scientific look at the theme of resilience and shares 5 secrets to mental toughness. They include Positive Self-Talk, Physical Fitness, Making Things a Game, Humor, and Embracing Meaning. He provides examples from leading scientists, Olympic Athletes, and Military Leaders who have gone through some of the toughest training and felt these techniques were key to helping them through the toughest times. 

The one that stuck out to me the most is the importance of humour and laughter. I was reminded of Proverbs 17:22 that says “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” It can be so easy to get caught up in the negativity and darkness of challenges that we forget the importance and benefits of laughter and humour to diffuse situations. This is an effective coping mechanism that provides our brains with good endorphins that stabilize us. 

We know that God has created us to be joyful and He encourages us to do so throughout scripture. It is also obvious from creation that God has quite a sense of humour. If you simply look at some of the animals and how he made them, there’s no doubt He had fun doing so. 

My encouragement to you this week is to take advantage of the family time that you have been given and look for and celebrate those laughable moments that occur each day in our homes. Not only will you and your family feel better, but it will continue to help each person build up their resilience so that we can move forward courageously and thrive in the various situations that God has placed us in. 

In closing, here is a funny story that my brother-in-law shared with me from Facebook: “Today my son got dressed in nice clothes and said it was picture day at school (His school, of course, is our kitchen table). It was either a very sweet moment or the first sign that the kid is starting to crack. Either way, I charged him 45 dollars for a 15 picture package.” 

Please click here for my short video update for this week.

J-D Lussier, Principal