Spring Flowers with Halton Alive Inspire Hope April Initiative

Dear Parents,

It’s starting to look like Spring at Trinity! The first daffodils have begun blooming in our flower beds along with a number of tulip sprouts. What is even more noteworthy are the beautiful paper flowers that bloomed on our fingertips this morning, as we created hundreds of origami flowers as part of our monthly Service project.
These flowers will be distributed to our Tansley neighbors as well as elderly residents at long term care and retirement living homes across the Burlington region through Halton Alive. As part of their Inspire Hope April Initiative, Halton Alive works with partners like Trinity to remind the elderly that they are seen, are beautiful, and are loved. This is one way that we can carry out our Biblical mandate to care for the elderly in a tangible way.

Spring is also a season of hope and renewal, as we witness God’s creation being renewed and His promises fulfilled. As Psalm 85:11-13 reminds us, “Faithfulness springs forth from the earth, and righteousness looks down from heaven. The Lord will indeed give what is good, and our land will yield its harvest. Righteousness goes before him and prepares the way for his steps”. 

As we prepare to deliver these flowers, please pray that God uses this as a ray of hope and sparks new life in the elderly both in our immediate Tansley neighborhood and in our larger Burlington community. May they know and experience God’s love through these small, intentional acts of kindness in the form of flowers.

J-D Lussier, Principal