All people need compassion

Dear Parents,

Due to the snow day last week, we wrapped up our character trait theme on Compassion as part of our chapel today along with other February highlights of kindness, anti-bullying, and Black history. The central idea that stuck with me was that, “All people need compassion”, regardless of what they look like or believe. Why? Because each person is made in God’s image, as our Creator.

Where does this concept come from?

Well, it originated with Jesus, as he was explaining the Great Commandment to Love God with all our hearts and love others. One of the lawyers of the day wanted to test this theory by understanding who the “other” or “neighbour” could be. Of course Jesus was prepared with an answer, which is what we now know as the “Parable of the Good Samaritan”. Our grade 1 students demonstrated this to us through a skit and provided an explanation as to its direct link with compassion. The people who should have cared and were expected to care for the wounded man decided they couldn’t be bothered. On the other hand, the one who was deemed an enemy is the one who showed compassion in the end.

As I reflected on this, the words of the praise song “Everyone Needs Compassion” came to my mind. It reads: 

“Everyone Needs Compassion 
Love that’s never ending 
Let Mercy Fall on me 
Ever needs forgiveness 
The Kindness of a Saviour 
The Hope of Nations.” 

May we be the hands and feet of Christ who offer compassion in our words and actions. May our love not end at those we want to love, but rather to everyone God calls us to love. May we bring hope to all nations who so desperately need Jesus in response to hopelessness, chaos, and darkness.

J-D Lussier, Principal