Let all that you do be done in love.

Dear Parents,

All throughout this week, our focus at Trinity has been on kindness. At the heart of our random acts of kindness, are the words of the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 16:14, which remind us to, “Let all that you do be done in love.” First of all, it’s important to highlight that the love we speak of is God’s love reflected through the life of Jesus on the earth and demonstrated through His death and burial on the cross. As we begin the season of lent, we are reminded that, “We love Him because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19.

Tangibly speaking, our students have been applying these verses to do random acts of kindness at school, at home, and in their communities. In order to encourage each other and to celebrate how God is using us to bless others, we have been writing down these acts of kindness on colourful paper hearts that are displayed in our downstairs hallway. I was amazed to see that an entire section of the wall is full and hearts are spilling into other sections. Well done Trinity! Let’s keep this going!

Our kindness week also comes in conjunction with anti-bullying, which is highlighted this week in a number of ways throughout our Canadian society. We too believe it’s important to stand up for each other, especially those who may be vulnerable or need someone to step in the gap while they are down. It’s important to remember though that just being against bullying pales in comparison to our mandate as Christians. We are called to show love to those who hate us and persecute us. We are commanded to love our neighbour. 

The call to love is a higher standard that our world cannot fully comprehend without the power of Jesus. Sadly, we often fall short of this mandate and the world does not always recognize us by our love. What we most need is for God to continue a work in us, so that our love would be most evident and that others would be drawn to Him through our example. May God continue to grow in us not only our kindness, but our ability to love others unconditionally even in the face of hardship, hate, or persecution as Jesus modeled for us. 

J-D Lussier, Principal