At the Table

Dear Parents,


Greetings from Winnipeg! As I am writing this, I’m currently in my hotel room pondering what I have experienced the last few days as part of the Christian Canada Schools Leadership Conference. Every two years, school leaders from Christian schools across the country have the opportunity to gather together to share, connect, and learn.

Our theme this year is called, “At the Table.” In Biblical contexts, the table often represents a place where we are invited as guests and family to come together to be blessed, while growing in our knowledge and experiencing God’s love. To borrow the words from Pastor Albert Tate: “It is a place of welcome…wonder…grief…gratitude…comfort…challenge…where we come together not because of how similar we all are, but because of the blood of Jesus and because of His call to greater love and His heart for reconciliation.”

Today, we were able to hear and experience first hand both the triumphs and defeats of the human race, as we walked through the exhibits of the Canadian Museum of Human Rights. It demonstrated how Canada has been at the heart of some of the best and worst of human rights in its history. It illustrated the brokenness, pain, and suffering of our fallen world due to our sinful condition, while also offering glimmers of hope and the goodness God can place in our hearts for others. It also reminded us of our inherent value as image bearers of God, who have been created with worth, dignity, and purpose. When we lose sight of the values and freedoms that we have, it is then that we make space for evil and abuse.

Ultimately, God is the one that provides us with the true hope of repentance and reconciliation with Him that compels us to reach out to others to offer love, hope, and healing. May God continue to use us as instruments to bring light to darkness, healing to brokenness, and peace to distress.

J-D Lussier, Principal