Head Versus Heart

Dear Parents,

Over the course of the past week, the theme of head knowledge versus heart knowledge has come up several times in conversations that I have had with teachers and parents. It is arguably one of the biggest challenges that we face as a Christian school, and that many churches face in this day and age. Information is so readily accessible and this is also true of Christian media and print. Many of us have a number of Bibles on our shelves and our phones. We can download or stream copious amounts of Christian media, digital or audio. We can listen to sermons online.

As parents, we make these resources available to our children, bring them to Sunday school, and send them to a Christian school. At the end of the day, our children are exposed to a plethora of Christian teachings, and they are acquiring or have acquired a lot of knowledge. While this is a beautiful thing and of great value, the greater challenge is how to get that knowledge to travel an extra foot from their head to their heart. The reality is that until it does so, there is no true transformation in the attitudes and actions of our students. This is where we rely on the work of the Holy Spirit to do his work in their hearts.

Does this mean that we simply back off and leave it solely in the hands of the Holy Spirit? I don’t believe that this is the answer either. We actively pray for our students and continue to do our part in providing an environment where they are challenged by God’s Word daily. We correct and redirect where needed; and foster an environment where relationships are restored when our sinful nature leads us down the wrong path.

It is hard work, but we consider it a privilege to partner with you as parents in this life changing endeavour. Our prayer is that of David, a King after God’s own heart and a psalmist, as he puts it this way, “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!” – Psalm 139:23-24.

J-D Lussier, Principal