pastors breakfast

Pastor’s Breakfast

Dear Parents,

We had the privilege of hosting over 40 local pastors for breakfast this morning. They were able to join us for chapel and visit our students in their classrooms. It was a blessing to have them partner with us and experience what Trinity is all about, as we sang praises to God, learned about His word, and prayed together.

I had the opportunity to share a short devotional to challenge our students, staff, and pastors to reflect Jesus’ light everywhere. At our first chapel of the year, we explored important questions like: Where do you notice light?, Who is the light?, and How can you become like the Light? In John, we discovered those answers: The light shines in the darkness; Jesus is the light of the world; and we must believe in the light to be children of light.

Today we took this a step further by looking at what can cause the light to grow dim or block the light. From a natural perspective, we can think of the clouds blocking the rays of the sun, or a curtain preventing light from coming in or reducing its intensity. Interestingly, the light source is still there, but something is hindering it from being visible.

From a spiritual perspective, the same thing can happen. When we have sin, pride, fear or unforgiveness, our lights can be completely blocked. Even distractions, busyness, or anxiety can cause our lights to grow dim. Jesus, our source of light, is still present; however, we must get rid of these things for us to reflect Him.

What is the solution? Ephesians 3:19 says that we are to “know the love of Christ that supasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of Christ”. When we are full of Christ’s love and His light, we can then reflect Him more effectively everywhere that we go. 

J-D Lussier, Principal