
Dear Parents,

Redeemed. This is the word that stands out in my mind today, as I reflect on our chapel time this morning and the weekend ahead of us. It is what Jesus declares over our lives, as He stands in triumph over sin, death, and the grave. But what exactly does it mean to be redeemed?

According to various definitions in the dictionary, this word can be best understood through several other phrases that add richness to its meaning. It is an action word or verb that refers to something or someone being bought back, or recovered by making a payment, cleared off, exchanged for value, the discharge or fulfillment of a promise or pledge. As a noun, redemption also takes on the meaning of deliverance, rescue, and atonement.

All of these taken together provide a beautiful illustration of how God gave His most precious gift or asset to bring His created beings back into a right relationship with Him. Jesus, as the embodiment of the sacrificial lamb of the Passover, made atonement for our sins, and became our deliverer and rescuer in the process. He cleared the slate of our sins, making us spotless and blameless again in the Father’s eyes. The relationship between God and man that was ruptured and lost in Eden was recovered through Jesust The fulfillment of all the promises passed down through Abraham, Moses, and David became a reality in Him.

In a world craving for a hero and rescuer, we have one who is greater, as our redeemer. Paul reminds us in Ephesians 1:7, “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace.” As we reflect on the magnitude of our debt and the enormity of the sacrifice that was made to pay it, may it spark hope and joy in our hearts. May the gratitude that we have for this gift spill over into our conversations and interactions with others this weekend. He has conquered, He is alive, we are redeemed!

J-D Lussier, Principal