remembrance day

Remembrance Day

Dear Parents, As part of Remembrance Day, we took time on Wednesday to remember those who have given their lives to serve our nation. It’s important to reflect on the sacrifices that our veterans made along with the gifts of selflessness and love that they gave to us. It is thanks to them that we have the freedoms that we enjoy in Canada.

Personally,  I’m reminded of my grandfather that served in WWII and the way that this affected his life. He passed away many years ago, but his legacy lives on. For students, it is often their great grandparents who have a direct connection to the World Wars, making it more difficult for them to relate to our history and understand what took place. This quote captures this reality, “As the bugle played the Last Post and chorus, the old men stood up proud and tall. But year after year, their numbers get fewer. Some day no one will stand there at all. But we shall never forget them.” 

Along with the theme of sacrifice, another important element to Remembrance Day that we discussed was peace, and our role as Christians to be Peacemakers. We asked students to think about what peace looks like, sounds like, and feels like. A few examples that they mentioned were things like their home, the sounds in nature, and a warm blanket on a cold night, which help them to think about peace.

God reminds us in His word to remember important events that shape our history, like Israel leaving a stone monument behind when they crossed the Jordan River or Jesus instituting the Lord’s Supper to remind us of the sacrifice He made on the cross. Along with remembering, we are also called to action to be peacemakers on this Earth, as we participate in the Kingdom work he has called us to do by sharing His light and loving our neighbours. Let us remember and take positive action!

Click here  for my short video update for this week.

J-D Lussier, Principal