Photo of a dove in flight.

God’s Gift of Peace

Dear Parents,

If we take a moment to look at the world around us, we are bombarded with images of conflict, chaos, anxiety, and a feeling of unrest. It is very clear that there is a longing in this broken world for peace. Thankfully, we serve a God who sent His Son to us as the Prince of Peace. He has made it His business to be a provider of peace through reconciliation with Him. He offers us His Shalom to restore peace and order in our lives.

I was reminded recently in a sermon that God’s peace or Shalom is all encompassing and the only one that is lasting. We can have peace with God through faith in Jesus and thus a restored relationship to him (Romans 5:1). He also offers us inner peace by providing it in Him. Philippians 4:7 says “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” I love the image of God protecting our peace, as we remain in Him.

Finally, God offers us outward peace through Him for our relationships, as we interact with our families, friends, and the world around us. He challenges us in Romans 12:18 to live at peace with others, not by compromising our values, but by demonstrating His love to others and putting their needs first. What an incredible gift God has given to us by making a way for us to obtain His peace. I pray that you will embrace His peace during this season and pass along this gift to those who need it most.

J-D Lussier, Principal