holding hands

Healthy Relationships

Dear Parents,

What is essential to the health of every community? I would argue that relationships are the building blocks through which everything else flows. That’s why one of our Strategic themes is that Relationships Matter. We are making it our mandate to foster meaningful connections within and beyond Trinity.

In a recent video on Edutopia, it was stated that “Students who feel safe and supported are more likely to perform better academically.” It was rooted in the concept of reciprocated relationships, in which there is an investment on both sides that is mutually beneficial in its exchanges. Both the teacher and the student must feel that there is a strong level of trust, which leads to having each other’s best interest in mind. In doing so, the student will be able to be pushed appropriately and thus excel. 

George Couros concludes that “Relationships don’t serve only to build up our learners; they give us a foundation to be able to challenge them as well. And the truth is, we are more likely to rise to high expectations when they are held by someone we like and trust.” Ultimately, we want our students to thrive, which can only be done through positive relationships. 

While the teacher/student relationship is central, it is strongly influenced by the relationship that exists between teacher/parent and the broader parent community. When good communication and community focus is present, it will trickle down to the students. This is largely due to the fact that we model relationships to our children and often pass along the bias (positive or negative) that we have in our own relationships. 

With this in mind, we want to be intentional to build up and foster positive relationships between the school, parents, and our broader community. We desire to create a positive space for exchanges that allow us to glean from your feedback and have an open dialogue on how to make Trinity an even better place than it already is. We are excited to build on the many positive relationships that already exist at Trinity throughout the upcoming year.

J-D Lussier, Principal