Floating lanterns at night

Shining His Light

Dear Parents,

What will the world be like when my children grow up? This is a question I often hear and have asked myself over the years. If we listen to the news or scroll through the headlines, the answer we typically find suggests a very bleak outlook that certainly points to our world as a place growing darker by the day. Whenever Sept. 11th rolls around, it also brings me back to the memories of what took place in 2001. I still remember that day vividly as I heard the news of what was going on. I wish that we could say things have improved since then; however, I think that would be short-sighted at best.

While this is certainly part of reality, we also know that our God is much bigger than all these things and offers us hope. In John 1:5, Jesus said: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” For the light to shine the brightest, it needs to have a dark place to illuminate and provide a clear contrast to the alternative. 

We also know that we cannot provide light in and of ourselves, but Jesus is the source of light through which we must be connected. Much in the same way as a mirror reflects the light source outward, we are called to reflect Jesus to all those around us. This is why our theme at Trinity this year is Reflecting His Light, which comes from Matthew 5:16:  “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” 

There are many layers to this, but we must first choose to follow the Light (Jesus) and then allow Him to be reflected through us with those we meet daily, which should lead us to outward service in our world. The question I posed to all of our students at the end of our Opening Assembly is the same question I would like to pose to you. What would it look like if YOU reflected His light everywhere? 

Throughout this year, we will be looking for examples of how we are responding to this question. I’m excited to see how God will use this in our school and will keep you posted on how we are living out this challenge.

J-D Lussier, Principal