Girl holding up umbrella for a child

Showing Compassion

Dear parents,

While we certainly want to put the emphasis on academics as a school, one of the areas that we highly value at Trinity is character development. In order to keep this a priority, we highlight a specific character trait each month and recognize students who have embodied that given trait throughout the month.

The focus this month is on compassion. In a world that is increasingly self-centered and narcissistic, one character trait that is often ignored is the ability to show compassion to others that we encounter, whether our family, neighbours, or strangers. Ironically though, it is one of the values that set Jesus and His followers apart. There are numerous examples where Jesus felt compassion and this lead him to perform a miracle to help those in need.

One of the best examples of this is the story of the Good Samaritan. The religious leaders (Priest and Levite) were supposed to understand what it meant to show compassion, as they were very familiar with God’s law. Instead, they were either too busy to be bothered or too consumed with themselves to care. This certainly sounds like a familiar narrative, as we observe our own fast-paced society that is constantly on the go and self-serving.

Instead, it was the Samaritan, the one labeled as an enemy or outsider, who showed compassion and cared for the needs of the man who was wounded and beaten. He went out of his way to ensure that his needs were met and demonstrated love. Jesus used this to show us what His kingdom is all about. My prayer for our students and our community is that we will be known for showing compassion and demonstrating Christ’s love for us by taking care of those God puts on our path.

J-D Lussier, Principal